Using colour

I have been using the reconstructive technique help inspire my interior space. However considering the space that I am working with, I have to think about the forms and shape will fit into an 8 metre square cube. the solution was to use my concept in a different way, instead of the concept determining the interior forms, it will determine the colours that responds to the concept instead.

The images above are the perfect illustration for my point. This space is Virgin Atlantic's global headquarter. as visible, the concept would be movement, speed, or even busy. The design reflects on it too.The light fitting on the ceiling gives an impression of speed. It almost like blurring an image to get the concept of movement, the same lights are reflected on the highly glossed floor which also create the same effect but looks like it moving even faster. There is no particularly amazing forms in this space, it is however the use of light and colour that determines the concept. The furniture are regular, the walls are pretty much cubic, so it is indeed the way light and colour have been manipulated that gives that impression. 

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